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Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Quantum Device Control – Closes on the 27th March 2023

For quantum computers to be used practically, a large number of qubits need to be controlled with absolute precision and without errors which is an extremely difficult task. The need to calibrate individual qubits, either to maximise fidelity initially or when parameters drift, constitutes a complicated and repetitive process, requiring deep understanding of the set-up and “muscle memory”. You will develop scalable and autonomous calibration frameworks to optimise quantum device performance. Machine-learning based algorithms will then make an informed decision about the appropriate calibration routine, which will be implemented by a scalable low-level control software platform, portable to different qubit types.

Details and Application 

Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Quantum Thermodynamics – Closes on the 27th March 2023

The overarching goal of this project is to exploit quantum effects to improve the energy efficiency of precision measurements with nano-electronic devices. We are part of an international consortium involving partners in Ireland, the UK, Spain, Sweden, and Austria. You will focus on experiments on quantum dots electrostatically defined in suspended carbon nanotube devices. Combining electronic and mechanical degrees of freedom these devices allow the study of the thermodynamics of precision by monitoring vibrational modes in the nanotube.

Details and Application

Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Experimental Quantum Thermodynamics

The theory of thermodynamics, commonly associated with the steam engines of the 19th century, is a universal set of laws that governs everything from black holes to the evolution of life. Albert Einstein was convinced it was the only theory likely to “never be overthrown.” But at small scales and very cold temperatures, quantum laws apply, and so concepts like temperature and work loose their usual meaning. In the same way that thermodynamics helped to improve classical steam engines, the emergence of quantum machines is forcing us to re-imagine this theory in the quantum realm. Rapid breakthroughs in the fabrication and measurement of devices at the nanoscale are now presenting us with the opportunity to explore this new physics in the laboratory.

Contact for details.

Department of Engineering Science,
University of Oxford,
Parks Road,
Oxford OX1 3PJ
United Kingdom

Contact Information


Tel +44 (0)1865283187


Tel +44 (0)1865 273000

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